




1、Myra:I don't know what I'm doing.Oh,dear.These stupid buttons.Kitty,I just want to……Oh,Kitty,he came back.I was beginning to think……But he didn't.He came back.Oh!Is he stiil there?(Runs to the Window)He is ,he is.

2、She dropped them off and I never saw her again


4、Some nights, I watch the tapes back and

5、Myra:Oh,I've got to go.I've got to go!

6、Myra:But you don't know me.

7、Oh, I don't know

8、Madame:Not when hurt your public life at the theater.I am happy that he didn't stay here a week,otherwise he would have ruined six performances instead of one.If such a thing should happen again with you,or with any of the others,It means inatant dismissal.I will see you at the sheater tonight.If it's not too much trouble.

9、Roy:A captain in the rental ship Usaleus cannot marry caually.It requirs immense prepartion formality, eti quette.



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