




1、广告过后 我们会回来报导华普纳法官裁决后...

2、But when no one was looking, she would go near the cliff, for the closer she came to the edge, the more she could hear, the more she could see, and the more she could feel. Finally she stood at the very edge, and she saw a light. She leaned to touch it, and she slipped.盖:有天趁大家不注意,它来到悬崖上,它越靠近悬崖边,就能听见更多,看见更多,感受 更多,最后它站到了悬崖的最边上,它看见亮光,它探出身子去摸,结果滑倒了。 12. Guy: Tomorrow.盖:明天。 Eep: Tomorrow?小伊:明天?

3、Excuse me, everyone.Could I introduce Carl, my godson?


5、Lucy: It's ok, daddy. It's ok. Don't be sorry. I'm lucky. Nobody else's daddy ever comes to the park.

6、Grug: Why don‟t you know? Stop looking for things! Fear keeps us alive, Eep. Never not be afraid.瓜哥:你怎么会不知道?(一把抓住小伊的头发)别老想着找东西!恐惧让我们活下来,永 远不要不害怕。 Eep: What‟s the point of all this?!小伊:我们这样有什么意义?! Grug: What was that?瓜哥:你说什么?

7、I told you I've never dealt with these Lamborghinis before


9、Thunk: We lost. Em, but, when the bird stepped on me and pushed me into the ground, the scorpion grabbed a hold of me, and you know, one thing led to another and here we are, eating him. So win-win.坦克:没抓住它们,不过那只鸟踩我的时候把我压进地里,这只蝎子过来抓我,结果坏事变 好事,现在就吃它了,这叫双赢。

10、Now we don't call it alive, it'sjust not to die


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