

时间:2024-05-07 蓓锦 来源:句子串记





2、Are you reallyabcgonna save the world? Yes. Yes, I am.

3、Before we get started,does anyone want to get out?

4、Tell me about the shooter.He’s fast.Strong.Had a metal arm.

5、uper-cool stuff you wouldn't understand.

6、And that's where you come in. As an ex-villain,abcyou know how a villain thinks, and acts.

7、You should be proud of yourself,Peggy.Mmm…I have lived a life.My onlyregret is that you didn’t get to yours.


9、We are the Anti Villain League,an ultra secret organization dedicated to fighting crime on a global scale.Rob a bank? We're not interested. Kill someone? Not our deal.But you want to melt the polar ice caps? Or vaporize Mount Fuji? Or even [points his tea spoon at Gru] steal the moon? Then we notice.

10、By holding a gun to everyone on earth and calling it protection.


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