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柳永 满江红 翻译

《柳永 满江红 翻译》

人生感悟的句子网小编为大家整理的柳永 满江红 翻译句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

柳永 满江红 翻译


2、Jake Sully:My fault?They attacked me!How am I the bad guy?

3、Jake Sully:Okay uh...location:shack.

4、Dr.Grace Augustine:The last thing I need is another trigger-happy moron out there.

5、Jake Sully:Everything is backwards now,like out there is the true world,and in here is the dream.

6、Neytiri:Why save you?

7、Dr.Grace Augustine:Just relax and let your mind go blank.That shouldn't be too hard for you.

8、Neytiri:[Speaks in Na'vi]

9、Trudy Chacon:You should see your faces!



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