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唐诗 山中答问带拼音

《唐诗 山中答问带拼音》

桔子网袋批发网小编为大家整理的唐诗 山中答问带拼音句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

唐诗 山中答问带拼音


2、Roy: You know, when I left you this afternoon, I couldn't remember what you looked like, not for the life for me. I thought, was she pretty? Was she ugly? What was she like? I couldn't remember. I simply had to get to that theater tonight to see what she looked like.



5、Maybe the feelings just went away

6、Roy:What's the matter darling?Where are we going?

7、Myra:For what?

8、Roy:Yes.Two whole days.YOu know,Ithought about you all last night,couldn't sleep a wink.

9、No I couldn't do that

10、When I was little


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