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苏州柳 白居易

《苏州柳 白居易》

句子大全第一句子网网小编为大家整理的苏州柳 白居易句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

苏州柳 白居易

1、but I still see things that are not here.

2、with all our dreams and our nightmares, Martin?

3、Nash: Sarcastically. Terrified. Mortified. Petrified. Stupefied... by you. 纳什:(讽刺地)恐惧的、苦恼的、吓呆的、麻木的…被你。

4、I was wondering if I might audit your course.

5、I need to believe...

6、And maybe they never will be.


8、So now that I know that you're real,

9、that knows the waking from the dream,



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