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唐诗素描 王勃诗集

时间:2024-05-15 操乙 来源:文案狗

《唐诗素描 王勃诗集》

文案狗网小编为大家整理的唐诗素描 王勃诗集句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

唐诗素描 王勃诗集


2、For years I had been searching,For that perfect fantasy, But, I find it in my arms, right now,You are all to me.

3、Every day my motivation is to see you and talk to you.关于爱情的句子张爱玲


5、I have searched a thousand years,And I have cried a thousand tears.I found everything I need,You are everything to me. Barry Fitzpatrick.

6、Eyes are raining for her,heart is holding umbrella for her,this is love.

7、Thoughts of you dance through my mind. Knowing, it is just a matter of time.Wondering… will u ever be mine?You are in my dreams, night… and sometimes… day.The thoughts seem to never fade away. Corwin Corey Amber.



10、how do i say i love you? how do i tell you i care? how do i tell you ive missed you, and let you know im here?


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