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大隐隐于市 古文

《大隐隐于市 古文》

夏洛特的网中优美句子网小编为大家整理的大隐隐于市 古文句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

大隐隐于市 古文

1、Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

2、Sin'auld lang syne.

3、Which is the bliss of solitude;

4、Along the margin of a bay:

5、With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,

6、The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

7、We twa hae paidl'd the burn,

8、In such a jocund company;

9、Sin'auld lang syne.

10、He became a little child:


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