




1、Sometimes things happen that are just out of your control.

2、Sometimes you listen and the house is full of people giggling and laughing. Then you're happy too.

3、'Cause you got college? Big school learnin', huh? Well, let me school you. Darwin wins inside these walls. Not Einstein, Darwin.


5、Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.

6、So engrossed was she that she had no consciousness of being observed, and one emotion after another crept into her face like objects into a slowly developing picture.


8、Whatever you end up doing,love it. The way you loved the projection booth when you were a little squirt.


10、He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way. No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.


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