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廉颇 古诗文网

《廉颇 古诗文网》

句子迷官网网址网小编为大家整理的廉颇 古诗文网句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

廉颇 古诗文网

1、Dr. Foreman: Isn't treating patients why we became doctors?


3、House: I assume "minimal at best" is your stiff upper lip British way of saying "no chance in hell"?

4、Matthew: what did he do? 马修:他做了什么?

5、House: It turns out your best judgment is not good enough. Here’s an idea - next time, use mine

6、Every heart need love, need to be gentle, generous, need to understand. Every child comes from the pure innocence of place, never should be the very cherish the treasure.


8、House: You put the Queen on your money. You’re British.




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