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古朗月行李白 全诗

时间:2024-06-23 费莫润宾 来源:橘子网

《古朗月行李白 全诗》

橘子网网小编为大家整理的古朗月行李白 全诗句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

古朗月行李白 全诗



3、There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then. Then a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a shit.

4、Miracles happen every day. (奇迹每天都在发生)美国人的宗教信仰。阿甘受的时非常典型的美国教育。

5、The secret to this game is ,no matter what happens ,never ,ever take your eye off the ball.为了表达“永远”的口气,口语中要每句说得很清楚(这是打乒乓的秘诀?呵呵!为什么GUMP总能遇到那种能让他理解并成功的表达方式)





10、Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!


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